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Please note - These papers are sorted to the best of our ability. If there is no link to view or download the paper and you would like to inquire about it's availability, please contact Dr. Suresh Menon (suresh.menon@ae.gatech.edu).

Conference Without Proceedings

  1. Salvadori, M., Ranjan, D., Panchal, A., and Menon, S., “Numerical Study of Detonation Propagation in H2-air with Kerosene Droplets,” AIAA-2022-0394, AIAA Sci Tech Meeting, January 2022.
  2. Salvadori, M., Ranjan, D. and Menon, S. “Numerical Investigation of the Effects of Mixing on the Propagation of a Detonation Wave,” AIAA-2022-0393, AIAA Sci Tech Meeting, January 2022.
  3. Dyson, D., Vasu, S., Arakelyan, A., Berube, N., Bigg, S., Ramirez, J., Ninnermann, E. M., Thurmond, K., Kim, G., Green, W. H., Panchal, A., and Menon, S.,“Detonation Wave-Induced Breakup and Combustion of Liquid Fuel Droplets,” AIAA-2022-1453Sci Tech Meeting, January 2022.


Conference With Proceedings (Reviewed)

  1. Ranjan, R. and Menon, S., “Hybrid Two-Level and Large-Eddy Simulation of the Wake of a Towed Sphere in Stably Stratified Fluid,” 34th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, June 2022
  2. Tudisco, P. and Menon, S., “Numerical Investigations of Thermodynamic States Formed Near a Reacting, Supercritical CH4/O2 Flame,” 39th International Symposium on Combustion, Vancouver, Canada, July 2022.
  3. Salvadori, M., Panchal, A., and Menon, S., “Simulations of Liquid Droplet Combustion in a Rotating Detonation Engine,” 39th International Symposium on Combustion, Vancouver, Canada, July 2022.


  1. Salvadori, M., Ranjan, D. and Menon, S., “Numerical Investigation of Mass Flow Rate Effects on Multiplicity of Detonation Waves within a H2/Air Rotating Detonation Combustor,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 47, pp. 4155-4170, 2022.
  2. Ugarte, O., Menon, S., Rattigan, W., Winstanley, P., Saxena, P., Akiki, M. and Tarver, T., “Prediction of Pressure Rise in a Gas Turbine Exhaust Duct Under Flameout Scenarios While Operating on Hydrogen and Natural Gas Blends,” Journal of Engineering fro Gas Turbine and Power, Vol 144, 041005, 2022.
  3. Lee, S., Panchal, A. and Menon, S., “Effects of Dense Inert Particle Loading in Shocked Energetic Materials,” Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics Vol. 47 (6), 2022,
  4. Panchal, A, and Menon, S., "Large Eddy Simulation of Fuel Sensitivity in a Realistic Spray Combustor I. Near Blowout Analysis," Combustion and Flame, 240, 112162, 2022)
  5. Panchal, A, and Menon, S., "Large Eddy Simulation of Fuel Sensitivity in a Realistic Spray Combustor II. Lean Blowout Analysis," Combustion and Flame, 240, 112161.2022
  6. Panchal, A, Bryngelson, S. and Menon, S., "A Seven-equation Diffused Interface Method for Resolved Multiphase Flows," Journal of Computational Physics, 2022